
I have been an online Roleplayer, creating workable environments and storylines for as long as I can remember, and that total-immersion in story and imagination is a love of mine to this day.

I bake when happy and crochet when upset and draw all the while, since drawing (in the event that I’m transported to an alternate dimension) would be a marketable skill regardless of the currency used or developmental level of the society I could be dropped into.

Being born in New York City gave me a unique view of the world- one that was expanded when I ventured forth to attend the Savannah College of Art and Design in Savannah, GA and further compounded when I moved to Los Angeles. My worldview is a mash up of many different cultures that were all stacked on top of each other in the urban jungle, which have probably contributed to my survivalist instincts and training.

In the future, I intend to harness my growing power and build worlds that capture the essence of all I've learned and experienced. Similarly driven people are welcome to join me on my never-ending quest for awesomeness!

More to come!

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